Thursday 15 June 2017

Notes on Baptiste Cousin "Marie Rose" 2015 12 days open

These are the important things that happened the week I didn't post this: we got a cat we called Ibie who is in fact more mushroom than cat, it's been warm enough to swim and I had a glass of Baptiste Cousin's 2015 "Marie Rose" that’s been o p e n on the kitchen counter for 12 days which is to say two weeks minus two days and it was great and I mailed Baptiste bonjour to tell him so, and have you lost very much of the harvest?

He mailed back to say he'd lost half but still hope to see you then. 

Tasting notes:

Pale rose petal pinks have turned to washed out dried rusty blood colour or watered down cola if you will or rather. Still hints of balanced window sill bowls of potpourri but now it’s more wood and minty earth and bark (eucalyptus) than ‘dem dusty blush roses. Tastes more of jumbo chewy raisins in tiny paper boxes or old sun faced lady prunes preserved in wax paper than neon strawberry late night discos spinning lights and dancing, moving, ‡grooving‡, quick — cold juicy drink to re·fresh like how it used to be, like lemonade. Now it's chocolatey. Sugar crystals on pot-reduced jam fruit rich. Deep like Riffault gets deep but stayin' fresh.


"Marie Rose" 2015
Le Batossay, Baptiste Cousin
Grolleau Gris
Martigné-Briand, Loire

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