Monday 2 January 2017

Georgian girl power = Georgian power wines | Mariam Iosebidze "Tavkveri" 2015

We were in New York and asked the guys at Chambers Street Wines for something volatile, read: a little weird. This being New York and this being Chambers Street Wines, the guys gave us a qveri buried Tavkveri from Georgia, Georgia ("Tavkveri" 2015 from a Mariam Iosebidze which makes her a girl, which makes her one of very few girls in Georgia making wine) and it was tart as hell. Tart like the sides of your mouth go TING tequila lemon tart or teeth-ache cranberries not yet cooked, tart

Tasting notes:

Barn on the nose, Ploussard punch pink on the eye, bruised laurel in your mortar and your vitamin C fix of cranberries and red currents in the mouth plus chewing gum chewy tannins besides. Read: an austere little thing and, New England winter inside sitting considering and not outside hot Georgian summer let’s say grilling, a little too strict though certainly intriguing but let's get to the point shall we: quickly emptied.


Mariam Iosebidze
"Tavkveri" 2015
Kartli, Georgia

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